Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Going Green in 2014

Happy New Year and welcome back to school! Its the time of year for resolutions and if yours are at all in line with the most popular resolutions of 2014, you are likely focusing on health, fitness, family or some combination of all three. 

To get you moving in the right direction I wanted to share this simple recipe for what I like to call a Green Julius. When I was a kid, my mom, not knowing any better, would take my sister and I to Orange Julius on occasion for a treat. For those of you not familiar with the chain, they make creamy, delicious orange smoothies that are loaded with sugar, yet delicious. 

Inspired by Diana who has been making green smoothies since we returned from winter break, I whipped up a vegan version of the orange julius that is loaded with spinach. If your kids can get past the color, they are sure to love it!

Green Julius
1 cup coconut yogurt, such as Sodelicious
1 cup Vanilla Almond milk
1 cup spinach leaves
3 oranges juiced
1/2 cup ice

Mix in Blender and enjoy immediately.

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