Friday, April 12, 2013

Meet the Muses

Welcome to Muses in the Kitchen. We have a very unique food program here at MUSE school, producing organic, locally sourced lunches and snack for over 100 students a day. It is my hope that, through this blog, I will be able to share with you a glimpse inside our kitchen. Each week you will find recipes, photos, stories and more, but for today, I want to introduce myself and the incredible team makes this all possible.

Kayla Roche, Exec Chef

Age: 27 years old

First Job: When I was 16 years old, I was the Dinner Cook for 20 nuns at a Catholic Convent

Favorite Pandora Station: Rod Stewart or The Alabama Shakes

Little Known Fact: I am learning how to become a furniture upholsterer

Good Things: Running by myself, Eating pickled vegetables at the A-Frame in Culver City, Wes Anderson Movies, Swimming Freestyle, My cat- Toby, Collecting vintage "Paint by Numbers"

   Diana Calabro, Sous Chef

     Age: 38 years old

     First Job: The Mouse at Chuckie Cheese

     Favorite Pandora Station: The Beatles

     Heritage: My family is from Argentina

     Biggest Accomplishment: Running the LA Marathon

     Guilty Pleasure: Red Vines and Romantic Comedies

     Little Known Fact: I have three amazing children!

Charles Lee, Dish King 
(he cooks too!)

Age: 28 years old

First Job: Assistant in an art department

Favorite Pandora Station: Jason Miraz

Guilty Pleasure: Buying Shoes

Little Known Fact: I knit all the hats I wear

Looking Forward to: Finishing Culinary School

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