Friday, September 27, 2013

New Year: New Good Things

Well, we are almost a full month into school and I am just finally getting back to the blogging! We had a transformative summer in the kitchen, with days spent cleaning, re-organizing, painting and even sanding! The result is our new space which has helped us keep up with our increase in students (140! Yikes!). 

Check out the photos below to see all of the good new things going on in the MUSE kitchen.

Chip, our facilities manager, built these beautiful and functional cabinets to store all of our dishes! The recycled wood came from a barn in Northern California. He knocked them out in three days and Javier and I  got to brush up on our sanding skills. The doors alone took almost 5 hours to make smooth!

In order to maximize the space of our small kitchen we had to go vertical, using peg boards to hang our pots and pans. I use this same trick at home and its great because you always know where everything is.

We were running out of counter space and work area in the main kitchen so we transformed our old food pantry into a prep room! Its a nice quiet place to work in and I love how spacious it feels.

This last picture is of a new MUSE IN THE KITCHEN! This is Erica Aquino. She started working part time with us a week ago and we are so thankful and happy to have to extra support.

Erica Aquino

Age: 20 years old 

First Job: Papa Murphy's Pizza

Favorite Pandora Station: Diiv

Little Known Fact: I play bass in a band and sing (pretty cool)

Guilty Pleasure: Watching "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Child" on TLC