Monday, June 3, 2013

This or That

Over the course of the year I've slowly been collecting photographs of some of the lunches we have featured on our menus. As we gear up for summer and get ready to say goodbye to another year, it was fun to go back and take a look at some of the beautiful (and tasty) food we have made. When you juxtapose the image of our turkey burger with that of a typical cafeteria burger, it makes me really proud to be a part of our food program.

Its not always easy to do what we are doing. Opening up a box of tater tots and dumping them in a deep frying is a lot faster than harvesting your own potatoes, cutting them by hand and babysitting them while they roast in the oven. Serving food on disposable styrofoam trays is more efficient than washing hundreds of dishes every day. Throwing that tray in the trash without any thought is much easier than sifting through compost and recycling bins, by hand, to ensure that we are being responsible in how we dispose of our waste. We don't do this work because it is easy, we do it in hopes of shifting the current. We hope you that you will continue that movement at home with your family over the next few months.
I hope everyone has a healthy and happy summer vacation. We look forward to seeing you again in September.